Design, Manufacture, Supply, delivery to site, installation, testing & commission of All weather proof Passenger Inclinators in accordance to the Scope and outline specifications mentioned in Annexure
Spesifikasi Incinerator 100kg/jam
Spesifikasi dan Daftar Material
Dimensi dan Power Capacity
Type / Model : PWR-INC-KMN 10
Kapasitas : 100kg/Jam (1 m3)
Length : 288 cm
Width : 147 cm
Height : 163 cm
Height of Chimney std : 700 cm
TOTAL WEIGHT : 8000 kg
Panel – timer : Digital Included Auto Alarm
Finishing : Hot endured paint
Fuel tank : 200 Liter
Covering Element from steel : 3-8mm
Banyaknya Burner : 2 pcs
Banyaknya Blower : 2 pcs
Max. Fuel consumption : 15-30 Liter/Jam
Max. Elektric consumption : 1100 Watt
Bahan bakar : Kerosene / Diesel (solar)
Voltage : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz
Type : Digital
Buatan : Local KAMINE ( Panel dan Incinerator satu Merek)
Voltage : 220 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz
Safety operator : Emergency Stop
System : Microkontroller
Pengoperasian : Semi Automatic
Temperatur control : Digital Coupler Type
Control panel : Manual dan automatic
Tipe : Self Standing Type / Wall Mounted Type
Material : Mild steel
Thermocontrol : 2 (Dua) 1200 ºC
Set of timer : 0- 2 jam
Tombol saklar : on/off
Fire Brick : SK 34
Castable : R 16
Castable : R 14
Isolator : Insulating Brick serat tahan panas Keramik 1.450 ⁰ C
Element from steel : 3-8 mm
Finishing : Cat Fetalit coating, Epoxy Resin (hot-endured paint)
Total berat keseluruhan : 8.000 kg
Ketebalan Dinding Dalam : 21 Cm
3.DIMENSION OF CHAMBER (Dimensi Ruang Bakar)
Chamber 1 Ruang Bakar Utama : 100 x 100 x 98 cm = 980.000 cm3 = 0.98 m3
Chamber 2 Ruang Bakar Kedua: 40 x 100 x 98 cm = 392.000 cm3= 0.39 m3
4. EXHAUST STACK (Chimney)
– Diameter (inch): Ø 10″, 8″
-Panjang: 700 cm (7 m) dari permukaan tanah
-Cerobong pertama dengan system Cor tipe MWHT
-Material Mild steel ( Baja Hitam )
1. Suhu Control: Optimal
– Model: Digital
– Jumlah (unit): 2 (dua) unit
– Kontrol Mode: On-Off
2. Power Supply (volt / fase / herts): 15A / 220 V / 1 Phase / 50 Hz
3. Panel kandang: Mild Steel + powder coating
4. Thermocouple: K
– Jumlah: 2 (dua) unit
– Bahan: Stainless Steel + Ceramic
5. Timer: 0-2 Jam
6. De-ashing: Manual
7. System pembuangan Abu 2 unit
Pintu : Baja ringan dan Linning dengan castable
System : Double lock system ( penguncian ganda )
Model / Type: fan sentrifugal 3 “
Kapasitas (m3/minute): 3.000 m3/mnt
Statis Tekanan (mmAq): 98 mmAq
Power : 200 watt/unit
Jumlah (unit): 2 (dua)
Pembakaran Burner:
Type: Gun type OM 2N
Bahan Bakar: Diesel Oil / Kerosene
Konsumsi Bahan Bakar: 10-18 ltr / jam
Power : 250 watt
Jumlah unit : 1 unit
Type: Gun type OM 2N
Bahan Bakar: Diesel Oil / Kerosene
Konsumsi Bahan Bakar: 10-18 ltr / jam
Power : 250 watt
Jumlah unit : 1 unit
Ruang bakar pertama dan kedua
Tipe : K
Protective tube : Stainless steel + ceramic
Max. temperature : 1200 ºC
Jumlah : 2 unit
Sistem pemberian umpan : Manual
Sistem pengeluaran hasil : Manual
Material : Mild steel
Kapasitas : 200 liter
Sterilizing chamber: Steam-heated via double back wall with integrated steam generator
Door and lock: Hinged door with quick lock and safety lock
Door seal: Blow-out design, even closure, automatic return without vacuum system
Temperature measurement technology: 2 independent sensors for controlling the steam generator + 1 sensor for sterilizing chamber
Preheating key
Security key switch saves program settings
Sterilization phase indicators
Pressurized-air supply: integrated Compressor for door control circuit and pneumatic set valves
Feed water consumption per batch 0.7 to 5.6 liters
Cooling water consumption per batch for spent-steam condenser 10–25 l at temperatures 15 °C
Water-level control: Within the double back wall
Low-water safety fuse: Heater Over temperature monitor
Sterile venting: Membrane filter 0,2um, 0.1 m² hydrophobic, steam-sterillisable, retention 99.5%
Control circuits: separate for heater and door seal, process control and monitoring
Timer Program start by date and time
Selectable Acoustic alarm at program end
Transport security device for door
Three Autoclave able (Polypropylene or stainless steel) Pans 5-10L